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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Lowest out of a series of measurements.

named patient basis prescribing

A means of access to an unlicensed drug, in which a doctor requests supplies from its manufacturer for a specific individual.

National Cholesterol Education Programme

US programme aimed at reducing high blood cholesterol.

natural killer cells

Cells in the immune system which attack and destroy infected cells or tumour cells.


Feeling sick.

negative predictive value

When using a diagnostic test, the percentage of those testing negative who really don’t have the medical condition. This will vary according the prevalence in the local population.


An abnormal and uncontrolled growth of tissue; a tumour.


Damaging to the kidneys.


A sharp pain along the path of a nerve.


Relating to the brain or nervous system.


Damage to the nerves.


A shortage of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that fights bacterial infections.


Immune cells in the blood which can attack bacteria and fungal infections.


Latin term meaning night.

non response

See ‘partial response’.

non-inferiority trial

A clinical trial which aims to demonstrate that a new treatment is not worse than another. While the two drugs may have comparable results in terms of virological response, the new drug may have fewer side-effects, be cheaper or have other advantages. See also ‘equivalence trial’ and ‘superiority trial’.

non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitor

A type of direct-acting antiviral drug. Inhibits NS5B polymerase, which is an essential enzyme for replication of hepatitis C virus.

NS5A inhibitor

A drug which inhibits NS5A, a protein that is part of hepatitis C.


One of the building blocks from which DNA and RNA are made.

nucleoside polymerase inhibitor

A type of direct-acting antiviral drug. Inhibits NS5B polymerase, which is an essential enzyme for replication of hepatitis C virus. 

nucleotide polymerase inhibitor

A type of direct-acting antiviral drug. Inhibits NS5B polymerase, which is an essential enzyme for replication of hepatitis C virus. 

null hypothesis

Our starting point for any hypothesis test, which assumes no effect.

null response (NR)

After starting treatment, little or no decline in viral load (less than a 2 log10 drop) by week 12. Hepatitis C RNA remains detectable. 

number needed to treat

The average number of patients who need to be given a treatment in order to prevent one patient from having a bad outcome (e.g. AIDS or death).